
企業(yè)概況 使命與愿景 董事長致辭 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)關(guān)懷 下屬企業(yè) 廠區(qū)照片 組織機(jī)構(gòu) 企業(yè)榮譽(yù) 視頻點(diǎn)播 員工天地 招聘信息



Brief Introduction of Tibet Ganlu Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd.



The predecessor of Tibet Ganlu Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd. is Lhasa Yaowangshan Medical Research Institute Manufacturing Laboratory, which was founded in 1696. After peaceful liberation of Tibet, under the care of Chinese Communist Party and Chinese government, it was relocated to the new site and expanded in 1961, named as “Tibet Autonomous Region Tibetan Hospital Pharmaceutical Factory”. In June 2002, it was renamed as “Tibet Autonomous Region Tibetan Medicine Factory”. In December 2012, Tibet Autonomous Region Tibetan Medicine Factory was transformed to “Tibet Ganlu Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd.”. The registered capital of the company is 200 million Yuan, covering an area of 66,667 square meters, with total assets of nearly 500 million Yuan.


At present, the company produces and operates 55 GYZZ Tibetan drug regulations, including 21 categories listed in the National Medical Insurance Catalog, 18 patents of the content determination method of Tibetan medicine, processed drug of zogta and its application in pharmacy, etc., and meanwhile, it has one national secret technology category and one national intangible cultural heritage list.


For the registered trademark of the company, the implied meaning: “Ganlu” means “Duizi” in Tibetan, “Dui” indicating factors that cause illness and harm human life, “Zi” indicating eliminating sickness and bringing blessing, so Ganlu implies “medicine of healing”. The myrobalan in the middle of Ganlu trademark is the king of drugs, the green leaves on both sides indicating health and life, the snow mountain behind representing the snow-covered plateau, the blue background representing the profound Tibetan medicine theory, and the three rivers flowing out from the snow mountain refer to the absorption of ancient Indian medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and ancient Arabic medicine in the pharmacology of Tibetan medicine.


The company adheres to the enterprise spirit of "respecting and cherishing lives, inheriting the culture, making good connections and serving the public", insists on saving energy and low consumption, and ensures the supply of safe drugs and reliable drugs. The materials of the Tibetan medicine produced are the authentic Tibetan medicine materials grown in the special ecological environment above 4000 meters above sea level in the roof of the world, and the traditional Tibetan medicine production process is strictly implemented, known as authentic formula, authentic material and exquisite technology.


The company has successively won the "National advanced unit of quality management", "Enterprise accredited for fulfilling contract and valuing credit in China", "famous trade mark of Tibet Autonomous Region", "China famous brand" and the title of "China workers pioneer" and "China May 1 labor medal"; In May 2010, it was certificated as the first " demonstration enterprise of national trademark strategy implementation " in Tibet; In August 2011, it was declared by the Ministry of Culture as "First batch of production protection demonstration base of national intangible cultural heritage”, rated as "National leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization", “New high-tech enterprise” and other honors in the same year.


The company has developed from the scale with assets of tens of thousands Yuan in the beginning to nearly 500 million Yuan now, gathering hardworking of several generations of Ganlu employees, and passes through a successful entrepreneurship path with obstacles and difficulties. Facing new opportunities and challenges, guided by The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era of Xi Jinping, we will keep pace with the times and strive to build an innovative Tibetan medicine enterprise!

